This way is extensions, of course. In this web site you can buy all the tipes of extensions that you can ever imagine!

The price depends of the quantity of hair (gr)
With Virgin Brazilian Hair extensions can add lenght, volume and color to your natural hair and there is a lot of ways to use it, changing your look everyday.
With Brazilian Hair Bundles extensions you can do a lot of types of hairstyles, you can add to your natural hair a big braid ans this is a cool hair for and event.

You have different ways to apply it.
They have sales in Body Wave Brazilian Hair and Brazilian Hair Closure
I think that extensions are a good way to change your style even everyday, they are natural and nice. You can add to your hair yourself without help and you don't spend money in the hairdresser. But, please, don't cut them! They don't grow as you hair ;)
They use paypal, the best and safe way to pay in internet.
Hair extensions is good.You could choose your hair style each day.